Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hi Shannon,

Jordan and Corbin will be going on antibiotics so that they will not be giving whooping cough to the people around them - mostly the Tanzanian children that play at our house every day and your relatives in Zambia. We have been limiting their exposure to Tanzanians because many Tanzanians haven't had the chance to be immunized and the chances of them taking it home to a baby are good, and it's very dangerous for little ones. We are not in a panic but are concerned about the village because a lot of people have typhoid and malaria dormant in their bodies so their immune systems are already weak.

Jordan started coughing a few days ago but it isn't as bad as Corbin's yet but seems to be getting worse. We thought Corbin was getting better but then he woke up last night gasping, retching, and coughing. Mike got up a couple of times to make sure he was ok. He's a good sport and doesn't complain or make a big deal of it, though.

On a brighter side, Jordan has been sewing some things that are helping me soo much and Corbin is such a helpful young man, always asking what he can do. They are such a blessing.


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