Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Snakes, games, church..............

Everything is different here and I see that it may be hard to really explain what it is like to friends and family when we get home. Us boys killed a cobra! (Do you like how he just threw that little sentence in there...)

I love it here! The warm weather is way better than cold!

Love you all lots!


On Saturday, we went to the church building to celebrate Tasgraco. Tasgraco is a celebration, if I have fully figured it out, of the singers and dancers. It was fun to watch the different personalities of the dancers. Then when they had finished their performance, we ate there at the church.....no silverware of any sort, unless you call our fingers silverware!! :-) It consisted of white rice, brown rice, and chicken organs. Also, there was braided intestines, but I don't think that I got any of those!! The servers loaded the plates heaping full- and if you left any, it was considered as being rude. So, I consider that I have already had one Thanksgiving dinner this year!!! I will admit, I left a few bites, but I was very full! Danae, Leah, Zach, Corbin and I were asked to sit up at the table with the speakers, Aunt Terese, Uncle Mike and Brooke because we were white. It was uncomfortable being singled out because we are white. It made me think about many that are singled out for reasons of scorn and prejudice. Christ says that to put others first is the essence of His love.

Another thing that is different, is that at church there are no backs on the pews and the men sit on one side, the ladies on the other. They pile as many on the pews as is possible. You learn really fast to not have any personal space. Sweat drips down the legs, flies land on you, smells sometimes get strong but the preaching is really good. Leah interpreted the first Sunday, Brooke, a young missionary, did this past Sunday. I will tell you what the sermons were about when I see you.

Love you,

I was able to play with the kids yesterday. We played Nage, which is a game played with Koosh balls and an empty glass Pepsi bottle. It is a game that gets you very dusty.
The rules are that you split into two teams and then each team takes a turn at trying to fill the Pepsi bottle with dirt and then emptying it before the other team hits them with the ball. When they empty the bottle, the dirt goes flying!! It is a lot of fun to play with them even though I can't understand all that they are saying. If they are talking to me, I can usually follow what they are saying, with the help of hand and body motions.

I need to get off, but I love and miss you!!

Love you,


  1. Dear Jordan, how are you feeling? Did the antibiotics soften the effects? Thank you so much for sharing brief moments of your trip to far and life and experiences there. We have been praying for you everyday and hope the worst is behind you. love you, Mrs. Harned
    OH---what is this "KILLED A COBRA"? Goodness, I'm sure the rest were thankful it was gone! :)Your notes just keep us praying for sure! :)

  2. We are following along on your journey and praying for you Jordan, Corbin, and for your mama's heart Shannon. :o) I had a hard time not longing for that warm weather Corbin mentioned (the Gaylors are a bit fond of warm weather). We are looking forward to pictures as well.

    Blessings to you,
    Dawn Gaylor

  3. Boy a COBRA?? Corbin! lol

    Hey Jordan! Are you feeling any better?? Been praying for you two!


  4. Hey you too!!!!
    Be good over there in Africa!!! Killed a cobra...boy I'm jealous...was Jordan around?? :D

    Glad you both are feeling better...God is good isn't He?
    Praying for you daily,
